Contact Improvisation

Weekly Blog of thoughts, feelings and reflections

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Rebecca Louise Cram

Dance and Drama student, exploring and discovering.

Week 6 – The Skin: Protector/Translator


“The skin has the largest surface of any of the body’s organs… an area of skin the size of a penny consists of around three million cells, one hundred sweat glands, ninety centimetres of blood vessels, and almost the same amount again of lymph vessels.”(Heitkamp, 2003, 257) I find it fascinating that the skin is […]

Week 5 – Trust and weight


This week involved a large amount of trust between you and the other people with whom you are dancing. We began with trusting someone to lead you around the room while you were blind. When we discussed our findings, myself and my partner both revealed that we felt very tense when this was happening, feeling […]

Week 4 – Lost in the moment


‘It is the quality of touch rather than the quantity of touch that is of primary importance in our development,’ (Holt, 2011, 216). This is saying that you do not always have to have had a large amount of experience with contact in order to develop, however it needs to have been of a fairly […]

Week 3 – Colours of Movement


At the beginning of the workshop the question “What is your pallet?” was asked. This was a simile for the paint pallet which an artist would use. Just like an artist has a selection of colours ready to be used in a painting, a dancer has a selection of movements which they can look to […]

Week 2 – Individualities and the Spine


“The dancer feels anxious, thinks judgemental, deprecating thoughts … and in response often initiates habitual movement forms.” This quote from Robert Turner, I feel perfectly describes my relationship with improvisation. It is something new and very strange to me.Provide me steps I know and can use and there will be no problem, but give me […]

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