Contact Improvisation

Weekly Blog of thoughts, feelings and reflections

Archive for March, 2014

Week 11 – The Underscore


The underscore is something which was and is continually developed by Nancy Stark Smith. It is a structure which is used all over the world for contact improvisation. It begins as soon as the dancers enter the room and goes all the way up to the reflection at the end of the jam. It gives […]

Week 10 – Investigations and Discoveries


This week was a research lab in which we came prepared with questions and tasks in order to investigate the areas which we wanted to focus on. Before I explain the findings, I think it is important to know that I feel that in order to be successful and take a lot from contact improvisation, […]

Week 9 – What is Contact Improvisation?


Our definition was: Contact improvisation is the art of communication through bodies to create spontaneous and organic movements. It requires you to connect with yourself as well as others to build trusting relationships in order for your experimentation to be successful. Building  a trusting relationship to me seems to be a fundamental element to contact. […]

Week 8 – Seeing and Believing or Deceiving


It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Is this the reason why many people shy away from eye contact? Is it because they do not wish to share this much of themselves to the other person? As I have mentioned in previous weeks, anything involving contact becomes very personal […]

Week 7 – Unity and sharing


We began with an exercise in which we moved an object in the space and revealed an insecurity which we had about contact improvisation. I found this to be like the method which councillors use with children, asking them to tell a puppet their issues instead of a person. The object distracted you and made […]